簡河培 – 認識現代神學

This little book is a broad overview of some of the important theological movements at the time of writing. Conn does a nice job giving a short, accessible synopsis of each position. Each movement receives a concise six to seven page chapter and includes a brief history of the movement, a numbered set of four to five of its distinctive points, and then another numbered set of four to six criticisms or observations. Of course, he covers Neo-orthodoxy of Barth, Bultmann and others, but also Situation Ethics, Process Theology, Mysticism, and several lesser known positions. He then examines several movements which can be said to be within historic orthodoxy, such as pietism, dispensationalism, fundamentalism, and neo-evangelicalism. Each one is dealt with fairly and Biblically, and I think this book can still be helpful for understanding some of the most important theological movements of the 20th century. (By B. C. Richards)